Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Natural Resource Management

There is a need for green technology to mitigate and reverse environmental challenges that humanity will continue to face in the coming decades. Governments are taking steps to implement smarter data analytics systems to manage natural resources in a sustainable way.

Thanks to IoT, the data production capability of forestry has reached new heights. Brainpool is working with Governmental Institutions to ensure that AI is being leveraged in the green transformation. New technologies provide exciting opportunities to re-think how humans interact with the natural world and provides the tools to better monitor and manage natural resources to meet the needs of industry and society, now and in the future.


Applications of AI in the Natural Resource Management


Biomass Inventory Mapping

Satellite images can be analysed using machine vision to monitor natural resource quality and usage, informing decisions about resource management and sustainability policies and initiatives.
• Efficient resource management
• Smarter decisions leading to increased sustainability

Emissions Forecasting

Data from remote sensors can be combined with predictive analytics to determine which areas of farmland will emit the most greenhouse gases to adjust regulations, incentives or collaboration.
• More effective emission legislation
• Faster response times
• Less CO2 emission

Early Warning Systems

ML can predict the movement and spread of dangerous events such as fire, evaluate high-risk regions and help guide controlled cut and burn-back to prevent progression of fire.
• Early warning systems
• Less resource damage

AI Assisted Forestation & Agriculture

Machine learning can be used to locate appropriate planting sites, monitor plant health, assess weeds, and analyse trends to facilitate smarter and more efficient agriculture.
• Better harvests
• Improved food quality

Benefits of AI in Natural Resource Management

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Smarter forestation strategy

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Less waste, higher efficiency

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Sustainable solutions

Case Study: Using machine vision technology to predict biomass value functions

Client: Department of the Canadian Government
Business Challenge:

Our client aimed to develop a platform that would enable them to track changes in abundance of natural resources, conduct risk analysis and forecast resource demand under different government policy scenarios; enabling them to proactively take action to ensure accessibility and sustainability of resources across generations.


Brainpool developed a proof of concept (PoC) model that uses SOTA pre-trained deep-learning networks models for object detection and semantic segmentation to process satellite imagery (and remote sensing data) for a case study region of Canada for the purposes of creating a lower dimensional dataset suitable for use in an agent-based modelling environment. The model currently in development is designed to: (ii) Combine scientific, economic and geospatial data with lower dimensional dataset to estimate biomass value functions for various biomass types (agricultural, forest, and organic wastes). (iii) Simulate biomass dynamics under different supply & demand conditions, including responding to natural disturbance events in an agent-based modeling environment


Not available yet (project in progress).